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Weekend group cooking class




350 nok p.p.

About the Course

Are you a super social bunny and think cooking is funny :)- then please do join us!

This cooking class is for anyone that wants to eat more in tune with the seasons.

A truly important aspect of a healthy lifestyle because each season shares the gunas (qualities) and elements of the different doshas, which are there to help us balance.

There is a large focus on the elements, qualities and doshas in food items and spices we will be using.

For example: autumn is dominated by ether and air elements as well as the cold, mobile and rough gunas- which means we would be cooking with the opposite elements and qualities, which are found in the right foods.

THIS is where we understand that Ayurveda is science :)

Spices have a special place as they are powerful and medicinal, yet the use of spices in our western world is dramatically underestimated. Their qualities go way beyond just flavour, they can be healing and soothing for our organs if used correctly. We will also explore the use of spices in this class.

Alongside cooking a meal together I will also explain the "whats & whys" regarding the elements and gunas and the current season from an ayurvedic perspective. Once our meal is cooked we will sit and eat together in silence- there will be time to chat afterwards :)

If you wish to experience a tailor made cooking class, that will be looking after your specific vikruti then check out the private cooking class, please.

I look forward to cooking with all of you!

Ps: ingredients are included in the fee! 


©2022 av Veda Oslo

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