In our modern world it is easy for anyone to google and find the definition of basically anything. Therefore the following description of Ayurveda is my personal and generalized take on it.
As an ancient Indian science Ayurveda is also a tradition. Literally translated it means "the science of life". It is a fracture of the Vedic texts called the Shad Darshanas (The six philosophies of life) that have been passed down from our ancestors for thousands of years.
Ayurveda, basically speaking, is all about creating balance by respecting and knowing the laws of nature.
Re-creating balance is the chore work of Ayurveda, which will be a unique journey for each individual rather than a one size that fits all. And as it might sound pretty vage, it is factual and straight forward. As we understand the world around us and our bodies through the five elements: ether, air, fire, earth and water, it becomes clear that we are a part of nature.
A long lost, yet precious perspective.
Ayurveda is also an awareness of the body, mind and soul.
Reconnecting with ourselves is inevitable when it comes to integrating Ayurveda into one's life.
This is called "Svasta" in Sanskrit, the establishment of the self.
Ayurveda goes beyond a to-do list of diet, pranayama (breathe work), yoga, meditation, herbs and spices. Implementing these tools is indeed an essential part of Ayurveda, yet the true essence is untouchable.
Although Ayurveda stands with plenty of factual aspects (it is a science after all) the most crucial thing to know about Ayurveda is that it is a part of you already in this very moment.
Just like the natural intelligence in your body that helps a wound grow together.