About this Service
What if you wanted leverage with health issues such as anxiety, sleeplessness, acne, anger/rage, constant fatigue or even arthritis?
Is there a natural approach you would like to consider along with any allopathic treatment
you might be receiving?
Would you like to know more about your ayurvedic constitution and which rejuvenation practices you could incorporate into your daily life?
Let us explore a customized and holistic approach to your health with your first ayurvedic consultation!
Firstly, you will be asked to fill out a very detailed form, with a variety of questions about yourself. Through this form I will gain a generalized view on your Vikruti. Your honesty & vulnerability are key for the quality of guidance.
In our second meet- up we will have the chance to get to know each other and I will be asking you additional questions that will allow me to determine your Prakruti (ayurvedic constitution) and finalize the insights on your Vikruti (current state of imbalance).
And finally you shall receive detailed ayurvedic health & wellness adv
ice. There will be three main recommendations that you may implement into your daily life as soon as you like. These have the potential to resolve the concerns you came to me about. You will receive additional advice that you can implement whenever you are ready, which may be in one month or even a year. It is important to make changes slowly and respectfully towards yourself.
If any questions come up while you are implementing this advice, you feel that new symptoms are showing up or something is absolutely not working for you then you may of course take contact with me again by email or phone.
Note: Some people will be satisfied with one session whilst others prefer a follow up over 2-3 sessions. This depends a lot on you as a person, the health issue itself and your dedication to the process.